Thursday, July 25, 2013

Use what the good Lord gave ya....

Well folk, summer is quickly coming to an end.  School starts for my little fairies in about 2 weeks.  This summer has gone differently than I had planned.

Here was my plan. June: SUPER BUSY. we had a million things planned. JULY: We would be totally bored and my kids would fight 24 hours a day until I was forced to put them on any bus that went by my house.( No matter what day it was or where the bus was headed. )  I would then gleefully put them on the bus (their real bus) in August and wave enthusiastically and let out huge sigh of relief.   Here is how it has happened.  June: busy as planned. July: My kids have had a blast together and been all around fun and pleasant to be around. There has been minimal fighting. I have not once checked the Greyhound bus schedule.  There has been lots of swimming, sleeping late, reading, giggles, being lazy  and more giggles. what?  Who are these kids?  They are at such an AWESOME ages.  My oldest is 10 and youngest is 5.  We are catching glimpses of preteen, but for the most part our gal is friendly and herself. The youngest is obviously potty trained, and fully capable of dressing herself and other wonderful big kid things. Whining is almost non existent.  When one sister is gone, the other one MISSES THEM. (for real)  I am trying hard to find the pause button, but I am having no luck.  sigh.  

I have already given the lecture to all involved (especially myself) that come August 14th we are walking into crazytown and we are all to give each other a break and be kind to each other.  The youngest will be getting on a bus and heading to kindergarten. Clearly she was just born last week and they must have the dates for this school thing wrong. My baby will be taking off for the real world. (I may or may not be teary just typing it). My oldest is also going to a new school (Intermediate school) and will have a locker. She has been practicing how a locker works all summer. As for me, I will be fired from my current job of full time mom/part time artist and hopefully hired on as fulltime artist and part/full time mom!  I will be doing my best to do my best with what God gave me. I will be stretching my wings in the art world and giving it a full shot at making a real person job out of it. We will also be navigating the soccer business I mentioned in earlier blogs we have no idea what this will require of us.  I am trying hard to not worry about the changes that are coming. They are coming whether I worry or not.  I am also trying not to commit to anything else until we get our feet wet at our new gigs. 

Look for more posts to come once school starts. Until is the pool....and hopefully more giggles.

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